New findings from FLOWER Interreg project developing flax fibres reinforcements

The FLOWER Interreg project is aiming to develop flax fibre reinforcements for the composite industry at lower costs.
The project is hoping to use sustainable, cost effective and environmentally friendly lightweight composites as a viable alternative for automotive, advertising and sailing sectors which makes it of interest to the SeaBioComp project.
The project has recently published a paper on the 'Monitoring of mechanical performances of flax non-woven biocomposites during a home compost degradation'. The paper is available to view at the following link:
The University of Portsmouth is one of the partners in both the FLOWER project and SeaBioComp.
Led by the University of South Brittany, FLOWER brings together 4 academic partners (University of South Brittany in Lorient, INRA in Nantes, University of Cambridge and University of Portsmouth) and 4 industrial partners (the companies Kaďros, Teillage Vandecandelačre, EcoTechnilin and Howa-Tramico) located on both sides of the English Channel.
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